Mediation - Meditative Music

Mediation - Meditative Music
Mediation - Meditative Music



{ Unknown } at: 2 June 2013 at 23:49 said...

All the listed Meditation Music is this post is good
Thanks for the information

{ Unknown } at: 10 June 2013 at 05:37 said...

Quite an interesting example's of Meditation Music

{ Unknown } at: 17 June 2013 at 06:04 said...

good... looking for more updates on Meditation Music

{ Kingkura } at: 26 March 2015 at 05:31 said...

Good sharing, if you looking for guru teaching on meditation, may visit below blog to download the MP3 teaching.

{ henry } at: 22 September 2015 at 05:23 said...

Thanks for sharing Meditation Music list. Your post help me out during my meditation workout. Always Keep Posting.

Meditation Music || Yoga Music || Relaxing Music || Study Music

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Meditation is universal. It transcends all divides like religion, country and culture. It is a gift given to mankind to access the infinite sprit not limited by any identity. It is the only tool that can aid a person to return to innocence.

Modern life style has high exposure to anger, hate, fear and other negative emotions. These human emotions have a high tendency to duplicate and spread. For example, when a person gets cheated, he starts to suspect everything around him. This also has an impact on people around him. These emotions form strong impressions and opinions on an individual and social level. The result of which is an insecure individual and an unstable society.

Meditation helps an individual overcome these emotions to facilitate a calm peaceful mind and a healthy and stress free body.Upon daily practice an individual will blossom into an unshakable personality. With increase in the number of people who are calm, peaceful and healthy will facilitate a social transformation, enabling a society that is trusting, happy and content.

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"Friendship is the bridge...
between lonely and loved,
between a glance and a gaze.

It stretches...
from the fog
into sunshine,
hopelessness into faith,
between despair and joy.

It crosses the chasm
from hell to heaven,
from God to man,

.... and from you to me."

This blog is dedicated to my friend Prashant who helped me to find the way of life....


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